Course Description

Have you been thinking and thinking about writing that book? Or, have you written it and you are ready to get it into the hands of your audience? Want to know how? Let Dilsa Saunders Bailey share with you the experience of self-publishing. Find out, if that's what you really, really want to do. If so, get ready for a rewarding lesson in finding out exactly how it's done.

This course is about self-publishing's processes, as well as its pros and cons.

Author, Coach, Speaker, and Trainer

Dilsa Saunders Bailey

Dilsa Saunders Bailey is the author of a provocative, romantic-suspense series called The Sperling Chronicles about a woman that is being loved to death. The third in the series is in the works with the plan to add many, many more installments. Another book she has authored, the non-fiction book, is called A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Right Doctor. It's a tell-all guide about what hospitals and managed care organizations know about your doctor and what you should know, too. However, it is also an essential guide to learning how to partner with your doctor starting with being accountable for your own health.Dilsa's first love is writing, but she is a self-publishing coach. In addition to being a speaker focusing on self-publishing and patient accountability, she is a trainer, too. To her, there is nothing more rewarding than teaching and helping others. Her company, Good Show Publications, has a mission to entertain, educate, and inspire using positive words and emotions. Hope you enjoy her courses. Dilsa always welcomes your feedback.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Intro - So You Want to Write A Book

    • Intro - So You Want to Write a Book

    • So You Want to Write a Book

    • Slide 1 Notes

  • 2


    • Agenda-So You Want to Write a Book

    • Agenda

    • Slide 2 Notes

    • About the Instructor

    • About Instructor

    • Slide 3 Notes

  • 3

    Publishing Industry

    • Types of Publishing

    • Traditional Publishing

    • Slide 4 Notes - Traditional Publishing

    • Self-Publishing

    • Slide 4 Notes - Self-Publishing

    • Independent Publishing

    • Slide 4 Notes - Independent Publishing

  • 4


    • Your Publishing Company

    • Imprint

    • Slide 5 Notes - Imprint

  • 5


    • Writing Process

    • The Writing Process

    • Slide 6 Notes - Writing Process

    • Production Process

    • Production Process

    • Side 7 Notes - Production Process

    • Marketing Process

    • Marketing Process

    • Slide 8 Notes - Marketing Process

    • Sales Sheet - TSC1DTA-102116

    • Resources

    • Resources

    • Printing Resources

    • Printing Process

  • 6

    Who is Going to Read Your Book?

    • Who is Going to Read Your Book

    • Who is Going to Read Your Book

    • Readers Dip

    • Average American Mean Read 12

    • eBook Share

    • Bowker Report 2015

    • Write It Out

    • Workshop Info

    • Workshop